Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend in Reveiw Vol.#5- A low-key fall weekend

Our neighbor's front gate (a photo taken during my fall stroll).

Hello and happy Monday to ya! My weekend was pretty low key mostly, but I did get a few things accomplished. Friday was spent cleaning and organizing- I don't know about you, but I always feel more energized when my space is clean (which also helps my creativity and productivity). When everything is a mess, I feel stifled and don't feel like doing much of anything, but now, all is right with my world and the creativity is flowing!

On Saturday I met up with a close cousin for dinner and drinks. It was a much needed break from everything and some good quality time spent together catching up. Sometimes it's nice to just walk away from everything and recharge a little, and this was just what the Dr. ordered!

Mom and I also did most of our shopping for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, which was fantastic! I'm in charge of the dinner this year, and added a few new items to the menu, so I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately I didn't get around to working on my DD album...however, I'm hoping to do that sometime this week. The positive thinking is key *wink*.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Be back soon! xo

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